Who is included when we think of “ancestors?”

A close up of a black and white photo of a man with a pocket watch on a chain on top.

A close up of a black and white photo of a man with a pocket watch on a chain on top.

Beginning an ancestral veneration practice can be frightening for many, especially those (like myself) who come from a lineage where there has been a lineage of violence. For others, while they may be curious, might not know where to start given colonialism, racism, and adoption. There’s a good deal of facts to contend with when beginning a practice, and what I’m hoping to share with today’s blog, is more information about who can actually be “an ancestor” when you begin this practice. We all have ancestors, both bloodline and those of spirit. For some of us, our ancestors are known and celebrated, others are unknown, unacknowledged, or may be dangerous to connect with. Commonly, folks view ancestors as those who came before you in your bloodline; however, I (and many other witches and spirit workers) believe that ancestors are more than just who’s DNA we hold.

Non-Bloodline Ancestors

I consider “lineage” ancestors to be those we are connected with in some capacity but not on a DNA level. This includes the parents of a step-parent, or we may have ancestors from our adopted family members, we may have ancestors who care for us who come from the lines of our best friends, or those who are family friends but who cared for us in the way family is meant to. Aside from our lineage ancestors, we also have ancestors who we maybe never met but who play an important role in our lives. Folks who are Queer may have Queer people who paved the way for more rights who they choose to honor in their practice. We may have ancestors we look up to who were involved in the Civil Rights Movement or in advocating in some capacity. Just because you never met some of these people does not mean you cannot actively venerate them, say prayers to them, and give gratitude to them.

Creative Ancestors

Aside from ancestors linked to our identity and those linked to causes we advocate for, we can also choose to venerate ancestors who have inspired us as artists. Those whose art we look up to and whose work has shaped us can be honored as ancestors to us as well. We can set up their artwork, their books, and their music, and honor them with offerings in the same way we would honor our family’s spirits. I often find that spirits of artists are eager to be venerated and they are easy to tune in to and can help you grow as an artist or creative.

Plant Ancestors

Many of the plants that surround us and support us are our ancestors. We can consider them to be teachers, healers and foods as well. Plants are very much alive and also have their own individual spirits. What I mean by this is that Rosemary has its own energy and spirit that differs from that of Basil. At the same time, each individual plant is also a facet of that larger spirit. If you are someone who works with plant medicine for healing (either for self or others) it is very beneficial to work with the plants on an ancestral level, honoring them as you would a loved ancestor.

Mineral Ancestors

You can also consider the mineral ancestors as a part of your ancestral lineage. The mineral ancestors are the rocks and crystals of the Earth. They are also called ‘the Spirits of the Earth’ by some. They are able to support us in our energy and spellwork if we ask them for it in prayer or meditation and also lend their own healing properties. I especially like connecting to the crystals as ancestors because all of them have existed long beyond even the span of human life in general.

Planet/Star Ancestors

You might think of your ancestors as people, but we can also include the planets and stars. After all, they are the ancestors of the Earth and they are also the ancestors of you. The planets and stars were born before Earth. They were born long before there was an Earth or a Sun or a Galaxy or Cosmos. It is said that everything in this universe came from them, including all life on every planet in this galaxy.

You can connect with many ancestors through honoring the Spirits of Life that inhabits the Earth and Universe.

In our modern world, we so often focus on the limitations of what is possible or what is easy — but in reality, sometimes we need to look beyond what is considered normal or what our mind has put as a limitation in order to see other possibilities. It’s not just your genetic lineage that makes you who you are, it’s also the people and Spirits who came before that helped shaped you into who you are today. So think about your ancestors in the traditional sense — both human and animal — but let yourself expand beyond those boundaries. You may find a whole new world opens up when you do!

Want access to a 6-part ritual that will help you connect to your ancestors and spirit court? Check out my Veil Ebook below!


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