April Horoscopes

An image of a chandelier with golden lights against a hallway with fancy columns. An overall bronze shade on the image.



April and Aries Season IS HERE

April begins with an opportunity to hope for more and to feel that hope sashaying through your body. We start off the month with a Mercury Cazimi in the sign of Aries, the sign of the Sun’s exaltation. And as usual, Aries does bring this energizing spirit after all of the fog of Pisces season. Don’t get me wrong, I love Pisces season, but it is a season where we can expect to feel a little bit destabalized especially since Neptune has entered Pisces. Now that we are in April, we get to make our visions a little more tangible and decide on the actions we wish to take.

Following the Cazimi, only a few days after, Venus will finally get its true boost, the bubble of joy and sweetness that comes with Venus entering Pisces, its sign of exaltation. For those who have Venus as a timelord or as a planetary rule, you may have noticed a heaviness weighing you down while Venus was in besiegement, once it moves into Pisces, the wait for her bountiful gifts dissipates and we have a chance to feel that pleasure once more.

While there is some hesitancy to be had with Jupiter and Neptune conjoining, there’s also a bit of a reality break that we get with this conjunction on April 12th. This conjunction is best felt when we allow ourselves to embrace the in-between spaces, the moments that pull us away from the groundedness of reality and allow us to exist in a dream realm. While you may not be able to power through a good deal of to-dos or work tasks, this is a day for the dreamers, where we get to feel overly idealistic and hopeful. Be mindful of how far you fall into the sea of illusions however, as any information that comes through this day is dissipated by the softness of your rose-colored glasses. This is a day when deception may be at an all-time high. So if something feels too good to be true, let yourself linger in the dreaminess of it, but make your true decision a week or so after as you get pulled back into reality.

Near the end of the month, we have Venus conjoin Neptune on the 27th and then a few days later conjoin Jupiter on the 30th. These three days will allow you to feel a renewed admiration for your visions and the wisdom-seeking journey you’re navigating. This is a good day to explore your spiritual practice, to ask your soul questions about what feeds you, what challenges you, what makes you believe in more beyond what is physically tangible. Connect to your spirits and ask them what turns you’re ready to make, what paths you need to carve out for yourself, and where you may need to slow down.

Now, on to the horoscopes.


  • April 05 - Venus moves into Pisces

  • April 10 - Mercury moves into Taurus

  • April 14 - Mars moves into Pisces

  • April 16 - Full Moon in Libra

  • April 19 - Sun moves into Taurus

  • April 20 - Juno moves into Pisces

  • April 29 - Mercury moves into Gemini

  • April 30 - Pallas Athene moves into Taurus

  • April 30 - Partial Solar Eclipse in Taurus




Aries and Aries Rising

This month is going to bring illumination and knowledge about all you value. You’ll find that you discover more about the unconscious drives that propel you. With Venus moving through Pisces, a soft sunset light will highlight the beauty of connecting with all that is buried deep within you, and all you cannot see around you. The eclipse near the end of the month may bring some clarity around how you express the values that were embedded in you in childhood, and the values you’ve learned along the path of growth. Your relationship to resources and how you navigate time and energy constraints may come to the forefront as you’re guided to contend with your own limitations. With Mars and Neptune playing a role in this eclipse, the clarity you gain with this event will inspire you to move the dreams you hold buried within, into reality. You can expect this eclipse to propel you towards action.

Taurus and Taurus Rising

While it isn’t your solar season, Taurus, there is a lot happening for you this month. With Venus moving through Pisces, you begin to find yourself feeling a bit more seen and at home within the space of community. You may find that it is easier to connect to others around you and that conversation flows more easily, especially once Mercury moves forward into Taurus. Later in the month, we have a partial solar eclipse in your sign. You can expect this eclipse to help you shed a metaphorical layer of skin, or rather, an old version of yourself that you’ve been clinging to. This letting go, and skin-shedding may bring with it a sense of grief, whether that is related to releasing expectations of who you could be or releasing grief associated with what pushed you to become who you are today. Allow yourself to cleanse the night of the eclipse if needed to help with this process.

Gemini and Gemini Rising

Gemini, if there has been a lot of tension and stress in your career in previous months, you may find that Venus moving into Pisces brings with it a soothing balm, a medication to ease this tension. Relationships may move more easily in this space, including the relationship you have with yourself. This is a month to release the voice that says you are not doing enough. This is the month to reward yourself and congratulate yourself for all you’ve accomplished. Even when it feels like you haven’t done enough, any action is better than no action. The eclipse at the end of the month may be especially exhausting for you, Gemini. Allow yourself to rest. Your spirit court may be very active around this time. Make space to listen to them only if you have the capacity to. Avoid doing spellwork, however, as this is a time for you to cleanse and clear.

Cancer and Cancer Rising Taurus

Your relationship to your spiritual path and your journey towards wisdom gains even more sweetness this month. With Venus moving into Pisces you may gain clarity on what you hope to teach and the ways in which you still need to learn and evolve as a student of life. Take many moments this month to savor all the ways you’ve developed as a spiritual practitioner and witch (if it applies). Some may also find that their journey in sharing their wisdom (writing a book, teaching, communing, etc) gets a boost this month and they reach a new audience. For some, this may be a small new audience (friends who value what you have to offer) for others they may have opportunities to teach or write. The end of the month will bring an eclipse that illuminates how you connect to others, and the ways your network may be able to inspire you and help you bring your vision to life. This eclipse may help you clear old connections that aren’t offering much to you, while also putting the light beam on relationships that are ready to evolve and deepen.

Leo and Leo Rising

Leo, baby, you may find that this month brings some sweet news about how you exchange energy with others. You may notice that some of your collaborations bring gratitude, both from you and from others who connect with you. This may manifest as a simple message of appreciation or an improvement in a financial situation for some. This month is an ideal time to review how you relate to “debt” as a whole, whether it is student loan debt (mundane) or energetic debt (to your spirit court). Who do you feel should offer more to you, and who do YOU need to offer more to? Near the end of the month, with the solar eclipse, you are likely to see a shift in your career. You may get that final push to join the others as part of the “great resignation” or you may gain clarity on the path you want to walk down. Eclipses tend to bring big shifts whether it is internal or external.

Virgo and Virgo Rising

Virgo, you’ll find that this cycle brings some honey to your relationships and how you engage with others. At times, you may find that your nemesis and enemies get seen in new lights, with a sense of compassion. In your more loving relationships, you may find that tensions are eased and smooth waters flow. You and they seem to move in a new way, in the same direction, and you gain clarity on what they value in you and what you value in them. As the eclipse comes in at the end of the month you may find that your path towards divinity, how you connect to the divine through tools outside of you, becomes more important than usual. Make space to analyze your dreams and to connect to the divine through prayer and powerful cleansing.

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Libra and Libra Rising

Libra, your relationship to servitude and how you give to the world around you becomes more clear and you gain some ease in these areas. For those who work for others, you may find that tensions at work begin to ease and you gain get clear on how you’d like to grow and evolve and what skills you have to offer. Others may recognize this and offer gratitude or an opportunity to evolve and share even more. With the eclipse at the end of the month, you may have some transformation related to debts you owe to others and that are owed to you whether out of kindness or obligation. Be mindful of your finances and avoid taking on larger debts if you already have some. For those who are still working through taxes, get those finished ASAP!

Scorpio and Scorpio Rising

How do you allow pleasure in with depth, Scorpio? This month will be about exploring the ways you create and offer to the world, whether it be through sexual energy and connecting with others, through art you create, or through the fun you experience as you move through the world. Openness arrives for those who have felt creatively blocked. You may get new insight on how to approach a creative project that has been on hold. As we move towards the end of the month, you might find that relationships experience some tension, especially on the day of the eclipse. Some may find that relationships come to a close, especially if you’ve been feeling the need to move away, while others get stronger and evolve.

Sagittarius and Sag Rising

Sagittarius, home becomes more of a sanctuary, a space to unwind and feel into who you are. This month is about noticing what grounds you, what feeds your roots, and what allows you to be wholly yourself. For those who have been seeking a time to focus on connecting to their ancestors, Venus in Pisces will make it smoother and kinder, while Mercury in Taurus may help you communicate more clearly with them. As we move through the month and head towards the eclipse, you will likely feel extra exhausted. This eclipse will ask you to look to your body and see the ways your body is a home in and of itself. How do you give to your body so it can give to you? Remind yourself, on this eclipse, that you can never fully serve the world around you if you ignore your own needs.

Capricorn and Cappy Rising

How do you feel the spirits of the world around you, Capricorn? How do you make the mundane into magic and how do you allow each day to nourish you? This month is about thinking of the small ways you feel the energies around you? How do you perceive emotions through language? How do you clear dense energy as you clear clutter and dirty dishes? Notice the way everything is connected and the way it allows you to more wholly understand your relationship to the natural world. The eclipse at the end of the month will bring transformation to your relationship of pleasure and the way seeking joy is a ritualistic practice that must be tended to daily. Use the eclipse day, and the time around it, to free write, to paint, to explore how you share your inner world with the people around you.

Aquarius and Aqua Rising

Aquarius, money matters get a bit clear and you may get a more hopeful message this month. This is a time to explore your relationship to resources and the ways that you allow yourself to give and receive from the world around you. What do you need to feel supported and cared for, in terms of space, money, time, and love? As Venus moves through Pisces, you’ll have a chance to sense these needs and learn to give yourself more of what you need even when it feels like opportunities are lacking. At the end of the month, with the eclipse, you may find that you feel a bit destabilized. The eclipse may bring tensions to the surface if the home has been a bit wild and stimulating lately. Take time around this event to clear and cleanse your home. A bit after the eclipse, consider setting wards to leave the outside energy out, and your own loving vibes inside.

Pisces and Pisces Rising

Pisces baby, this season is about feeling into you. If you are normally not much of a selfie person, this is the month to celebrate yourself through photos. See your own features and see how they are the features of your ancestors. See your body and celebrate the ways it holds you and supports you. I encourage you to be playful this cycle with how you lean into your own polarity. Embrace both receptivity and action, femininity and masculinity, how do each side of the spectrum show you more about who you are? With the eclipse, communication may get funky, and if you have siblings, these relationships may get a bit ruffled and tense. Allow space to clear up miscommunications and to reiterate how you actually feel.


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