Capricorn Season Horoscopes

The Sun entered the sign of Capricorn at 7:59am PST on Tuesday December 21 and will remain there until January 19 at about 6:39pm PST.

Capricorn season is generally a time that encourages to consdier all we’re working towards. To ask ourselves, what are the goals we are trying to achieve? Capricorn season invites us. to explore themes of sacrifice and patience. What do you hope to build and what are you willing to bypass so that you can work towards that goal?



Capricorn Season IS HERE

Capricorn season is here and with it comes quite a bit of introspective action. We begin with a bang, with Venus stationing retrograde just after her little canoodling with Pluto. This is going to be a season of genuinely and deeply reevaluating what it is that we value and how we show those values through our actions. In addition to having Venus retrograde through all of Capricorn season in this sign, we also have Mercury stationing retrograde in Aquarius in the latter part of the month, pointing to the need to truly assess not just what we are building and working towards externally but also reevaluating the belief systems we hold within us that influence what choices we make. In addition to the retrospective energy, we also have the nodes shifting into Taurus and Scorpio putting even more emphasis on fixed energy. This season is kicking us off in a big way.


  • DECEMBER 19: Venus stations Rx

  • DECEMBER 21: Capricorn season begins

  • DECEMBER 28: Jupiter moves into Pisces

  • JANUARY 1: Mercury moves into Aquarius

  • JANUARY 2: New moon in Capricorn

  • JANUARY 14: Mercury stations Rx

  • JANUARY 17: Full moon in Cancer

  • JANUARY 18: Uranus stations direct

  • JANUARY 18: The nodes shift into Taurus and Scorpio




Aries and Aries rising

Aries, this season is truly highlighting all you’re working towards in your career. With Venus having conjoined Pluto within this sign, there was an emphasis on knowing when to let go and when to make drastic changes so that you can build towards a career that is more rewarding and embracing of your values and insight. With the Sun moving through this sign, alongside Mercury and a retrograde Venus, you’ll be inspired to find ways to transmute your inner drive into a precise force. This season, I invite you to explore whether you’re working towards a legacy that will actually appreciate how much you’re willing to sacrifice while you build towards your long-term vision.

Taurus and Taurus Rising

Taurus, this season will bring illumination to your expansive visions. How do you allow yourself to learn from the world around you? What are you investing time and energy in so that you can grow and evolve both internally and externally in the things you pursue. There may be a time this period where you begin to question how you’ve moved forward in life. What do you believe in outside of yourself and what about your life needs to shift so you can make these beliefs and practices a priority. While these shifts may be tough at times and push you to shift through uncomfortable newness, what is on the other side is a stronger foundation in what you believe in, and a desire to more deeply connect with the world around you— especially the spaces you are not familiar with.

Gemini and Gemini Rising

Gemini, this season will put pressure on the resources you engage with. You may feel a desire to get finances in order especially related to topics of taxes and debt. Some of you might find that you decide to revamp your budget so you can make space for things that matter to you. For those who run a business, this is an ideal time for you to shift your attention to partnerships and collaborations. Consider who you may want to pair up with so to help you reach more folks who may appreciate what you offer. Aside from these mundane topics, on a more spiritual level, this is a great cycle to allow yourself some time to process grief from this previous year. You may want to participate in a release ritual prior to the new year, or a grief ritual that allows you to release some of what you’ve held in.

Cancer and Cancer Rising

Cancer Rising, this season will bring a wealth of light to the realm of your relationships and the people you engage with. How do you build relationships from the ground up, and who are you when you first start getting to know others. How do you shift the more you get to know others and are you happy with who you are in both spaces? Some of your relationships may break down and be rebuilt in new and better ways, while others may crumble a bit under pressure. Understand that this season may push you to evaluate whether you’re feeling valued by the people around you. Instead of taking major decisive action (unless that is truly for the best), this is actually a season where you want to internally shift through these realizations so you can make well-thought changes post-Venus retrograde.

Leo and Leo Rising

Leo babies, this season, you may find that your work-life experiences a bit of tension. Some of you may feel that beginning of the year itch to quit your job and try to find something better suited for you. While I do generally encourage folks to find spaces that are supportive, I do also encourage folks to take their time in making major decisions so as to erase chances of increased stress and pressure in a time that is already highly tense. If you feel like it’s time to leave the place you currently work at, I think Capricorn season is the best time to explore what you need within your job to feel supported and valued and to be able to also care for yourself. Brainstorm. Make lists. AND also consider what you need now to support long-term gains.

Virgo and Virgo Rising

Virgo cuties, Capricorn season brings about a shift in where and how you exert your identity in the world around you. How do you connect through pleasure? How do you share what creative spark lives within you? How do you create something that will live beyond you? With Venus stationing retrograde in this sign, I actually consider this a positive thing for your creativity. While it may not be the ideal time to take on new projects, I do believe this is perfect for going back and completing things you’ve long forgotten about. What creative projects have you ignored to make space for more “practical” matters? Maybe now is a time to go back and tend to that child-like wonder within you, and follow through on all those goodies you haven’t been able to complete.

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Libra and Libra Rising

This season may bring a bit of tumult and pressure in areas relating both to the home and to the roots. Some of you may feel called to deepen and increase the connection you feel to your ancestral practices and to your ancestors themselves. Others may find that the home itself is an area of miscommunication and trouble connecting, especially for those who have Venus as a timelord in Cap season. If you’re looking for a good way to (re)connect to your ancestors, I offer a 15-day connection journey to members of The Celestial Realm (membership starts at $16 a month). For those who are having troubles in the home, I suggest doing some cleansing on the house itself and making offerings to the spirit of the house to help you keep things at ease.

Scorpio and Scorpio Rising

Scorpio babes may find that this season brings attention to the topics of ritual especially those related to necromancy or to grief. It’s an ideal time to reevaluate your connection to the darkness within and around you whether that means connecting both to the moon again or to the darkness within you. When I reference darkness, there shouldn’t be a connotation for “evil” but rather for the unconscious or the unknown. On a more mundane level, some of you may find that you get hit with a bit of Mercury Rx vibes as communication projects require a double-take, or as you feel inspired to start creating new communication-focused projects. I encourage you to revise and revamp anything that already exists within this realm, and to let go of similar projects that simply aren’t working as opposed to beginning something new from scratch.

Sagittarius and Sagittarius Rising

Saggitarius sweeties may find that this season exacerbates money thoughts. It may feel like there have been spending issues or difficulties with getting access to the finances you need. More than just dealing with money, however, you may feel as though you’re low on other resources such as time and energy. Y’all will especially benefit from revamping budget and spending or finding ways to boost income in other methods. For neurodiverse babes, understand that budgeting and spending habits can look different than what is classically recommended. I love TikTok for neurodiverse budgeting tips. Venus in this part of your chart may also give you a bit of a knack for finding some fancy things at used stores or thrift shops, so check those places out if you’re in need of an item and trying to cut back on spending.

Capricorn and Capricorn rising

Cappies will feel the light shining on them this season, but with that light comes a lil bit of burnout as you navigate a plethora of movements and shifts. This retrograde is especially not the time to make drastic shifts to your looks unless you simply can’t wait and have been planning it for a while. Aside from that, this season may prompt you to consider and explore how you most want to show up in the world and what you need to release to step into the spotlight a bit more. What is holding you back from claiming what you most want from yourself? What is holding you back from allowing yourself to be seen? This is the season to let those ideas and blocks fall away.

Aquarius and Aquarius Rising

Aqua babes, some of the recent shifts in Capricorn and some of what is coming in this season are likely to have you feeling a bit low in energy and a bit destabilized. While the 12H zodiacal season can be illuminating and interesting at times, with Pluto having just made contact on Venus, and the Rx through this sign, there’s a lot of deep diving and soul searching that may feel internally irritating at times. If you find yourself being more reactive than usual, do your best to allow yourself extra time for rest and time for yourself in whatever ways you most need. I find meditating can be extremely beneficial (especially silent meditations) as well as the act of washing your feet before bed. Aside from the need to have some time alone and for extra rest, you may find that this season brings some revelatory moments about your connection to the unseen world around you. This is a good time to lay out offerings and make space to listen for a response. Do your best to avoid ACTIVE methods of communing with the spirits and instead focus on receptive methods.

Pisces and Pisces Rising

Fishy cuties, this season is going to put some pressure on your dreams and what you’re willing to do to achieve them. How do you nurture your vision when it feels like you’re only making the tiniest steps towards them? What actions do you take each day, even when they don’t immediately pay off, to make room for your dreams? In addition, this cycle may put some attention on your networks and how you build relationships within larger communities. It’s a great time to reevaluate the amount of energy you spend on social media and consider if all of the networks you are connected within actually give you space to be seen and to acknowledge others. Is there balance with your give and take in these spaces?


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