March Horoscopes

A tree against a sunrise in the center of a field of long grass.



Pisces Season IS HERE

This month begins with a bit of a bang. The house that holds Capricorn in your chart will get a final bit of action — while this action may not be a gentle ruffling, it is likely to arrive in a way that is more clearing and opening. These are transformative times we are moving through, but transformation rarely comes in a whisper. The first week of March has a contrasting energy while we experience Mars and Venus conjoining with Pluto, and the beautiful Jupiter cazimi.

This Mars and Venus conjunction with Pluto will happen one right after another. This energy for some, may feel like an intense pressure to move forward towards manifesting the realities you desire but with a lack of patience to ease towards these changes. Instead, this day will work as a short fuse on a firework— sparking you towards a beautiful vision that only feels like a possibility at this time. Not too long after we move towards the beautiful Jupiter cazimi which will really act as a second form of renwal following the Pisces new moon. If you want a breakdown of the new and full moon charts, make sure to sign up for my newsletter below. I typically send 2-3 emails a month with a focus on the new and full moon. Just one day later, we have Mars and Venus making an exact conjunction just after they enter the sign of Aquarius. With both of these planets moving through this house in your chart you can expect for Aquarius to continue to get some action. Depending on which house holds this, you may also see this manifest in the charts of the people around you (Specifically those who have Leo and Gemini rising).

On March 13th, we have the Sun making a conjunction to Neptune which will only propel us further into the space of the between that exists in our house that holds Pisces. Allow yourself to get lost in the daydream realm today when possible. On March 17th, we have a sextile between Uranus and Mercury. This year I’ve discovered a good deal more about Uranus’ role in mundane astrology, and I look forward to learning even more after watching the Changing of the Gods. It’s fascinating how surprising and exciting news can come through on the day when Uranus makes a sextile to Mercury. As Mercury moves through the sign of Pisces it will continue to make some interesting aspects, touching Jupiter, then Neptune, in the span of a couple of days. Mercury’s movements will reconnect us to the action of transmutation through sincere and unobstructed belief. During the days between these two conjunctions, we do have a difficult Mars and Uranus square happening on March 22 that may bring some tech-y difficulties along with some challenges related to systems perhaps linked to electricity and general power sources.


  • March 02 - New Moon in Pisces

  • March 05 - Mars and Venus move into Aquarius

  • March 09 - Mercury moves into Pisces

  • March 10 - Vesta enters Aquarius

  • March 18 - Full Moon in Virgo

  • March 20 - Sun enters Aries

  • March 27 - Mercury moves into Aries

  • March 31 - New Moon in Aries




Aries and Aries rising

This month, Aries, I want you to consider how your community can support you and what you can do to ask for what you need. As a sign that is so concerned with standing on their own and forging their own path, you, more than most, will need to embrace the lesson of being held. As you reassess your relationship to the world beyond the material realm, you begin to assess where in life you truly want to stand on your own and where you want to begin to gain strength through trusting others. Let this month serve as a chance to invite in small moments of belief in your community through the act of asking for what you need simply because you deserve to be supported as does every other being in this realm.

Taurus and Taurus Rising

This month you’re feeling a good deal of energy and a push towards changing up what lights you up and gives you a sense of purpose. As you fulfill part of your purpose through your career and the lineage you’re building, you’re reaching a point of tension and lack of patience. Developing the ability to be patient, especially when there’s such a drive to add to the world around you, can be difficult, but it is not impossible. There is a time to pressure and push, but this month is about moving at a continuous pace and with diligent efforts. What is beautiful about this month, is the moments that happen in relation to your larger visions and hopes, and dreams. You begin to move into a space of feeling seen by those around you and feeling like a little extra fresh rainwater has been sprinkled on your wildflower hopes.

Gemini and Gemini Rising

This month you are learning a good deal about what you need to shape meaning in the world around you. You begin to be faced with moments of reality and harsh truths as you navigate the changing landscape around you. Perhaps your inner world is expanding and your soul is feeling the need to stretch its legs a bit while being in a pot that’s maybe a little too tight. Don’t worry, this energy will ease. The focus for you should be about learning to channel this drive and fire in a direction that eases your will to MOVE. I encourage you to focus your extra energy on your flowering buds. Your public image and the legacy you’re building get a sense of hope and ease as you continue to grow and evolve especially within your career. Allow yourself to move towards the sun and absorb all of this hope and excitement.

Cancer and Cancer Rising

Crab cuties, as you move through the space of learning to engage and exchange with others, you feel a bit of pressure in forming connections and being accurately compensated for what you offer to the world. There’s a push to learn how to engage and exchange with others in a way that propels you and rewards you. It isn’t just about receiving or just about giving but about learning to balance both. Consider whether your relationship to these two actions is equal and whether you wish to level things out a bit. As you move through these lessons, you’ll feel more hope and encouragement when you focus on the space of art and wisdom-seeking. This is a month of absorbing from the world so you can shape more of your inner world and meaning.

Leo and Leo Rising

Lovely Leos, you’ve been reckoning with what it means to be a supporting character in someone else’s life, while also navigating what it means to let others play a supporting role in your life. Your relationships have likely and will likely have moments of tension this cycle, especially for those who have client-based work. When you roar, you roar, and Leo, this season is about tapering that roar into a mode that is more assertive and strong and less forceful. Setting boundaries is an invitation to allow others to love you the ways you most need and for you to love others how they most need. Do not allow boundaries to be a wall that you have to work through or against, instead, think of it as a welcoming gate that you can open and close in the ways you most need. What is beautiful about this month, is that while your relationships evolve and shift in the space of boundaries, you also learn more about what type of support you need to create mutually beneficial exchanges.

Virgo and Virgo Rising

Hey Virgo, this cycle you get to explore more of the space you’re familiar with, giving simply to better the space around you. Part of this, however, is also learning that in order to give in the ways you most want to give, you have to also learn to step back and recharge. This month, I invite you to explore your relationship to “No” and whether you need to invite Saturn Daddy’s sternness into your essence, as a way to learn to turn away from what you cannot feasibly manage. As you do this, however, you begin to find that you build connections with others that are nourishing and based on mutuality. You open your heart to your relationships and your clients in a way that allows you to envision new futures and new journeys you can go on with others. If you are a service-based practitioner or someone who works with clients, you may find that this month brings a lift to this area of your life.

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Libra and Libra Rising

Libra, this month you are learning more about how to exist in the space o creativity in a way that is more serious. You are learning to implement a creative practice that is based on respect for your medium and for the projects in progress. While you may feel as though you need to push forward and rush through projects, remind yourself of the larger goal and the essence of what you are creating. Those who are caregivers to lil humans may find that there are lessons to be reaped this month about who you want to raise and how you want to influence them. What lessons are you sharing with your lil human? The goal is to focus not on what you wished you had growing up but on being willing to see what they most need in these times. As you move through these moments of tension, you gain beauty and understanding about how you want to beautify the world around you. Changes begin to move through your days and you make adjustments to embrace new routines and structures in your day-to-day life. I encourage you to take a moment and reflect on how you can make a change in the world around you. What actions can you begin implementing today to better your community and the world as a whole.

Scorpio and Scorpio Rising

You continue to navigate tensions at home, and perhaps even deeper, with your lineage and ancestors. This month brings more clarity on the structures and systems you are creating within your home environment as a way to create a container that is supportive and nourishing to everyone who rests their eyes in that space. There is difficulty in shaping a home that feels truly nourishing but as you move through these tensions you move closer and closer towards creating a container that is truly what you and everyone involved needs. As you navigate the more difficult aspects of the month, allow yourself to ease into spaces of pleasure. It may be nice to lean into any creative practices you have or to invite your inner child out multiple times this month. Move through these spaces with the goal of seeking out sunlight.

Sagittarius and Sag Rising

You’re navigating moments that are teaching more about what it means to communicate from a place of honesty and truth, you are learning, this month, that your words can be weapons or a watering can that nourish or harm others. As you navigate spaces of friendship or moments with siblings (for those who have siblings) be mindful of how you can stay true to your word. Are you speaking from a reactive place or a place of responding? What is your relationship to your word? This is something you will gain more clarity on as you navigate moments of conflict or tension. While this part of your life may have some difficulties, as you move forward through the month, you’ll find that you are able to more easily rest and relax in your home space. Communication with your ancestors gets some clarity or they may come through in the dream realm. Be open to receiving messages that allow you to ground more fully into who you are becoming.

Capricorn and Cappy Rising

Cappy. This month you continue to navigate difficulties relating to income, money and finances. There may have been points in the more recent past and during this month, where you have had to learn where to cut costs, learn what your what values are most important to you, and learn how to increase your capacity to receive. As you move through these tense moments. Allow yourself to rely on your community and those closest to you. Allow yourself to express your concerns and your fears and to air them out so that you can see them for what they truly are. The beautiful thing about being vulnerable with those that you trust is that you then have a container that allows you to be nourished and held and supported through these moments of tension. You'll find this month, some ease and some uplift when you allow yourself to be vulnerable. Even the strongest of trees need a stable ground to hold their roots and this month you gain some clarity on who is able to support you as you move through stages of growth.

Aquarius and Aqua Rising

Aquarius you've been navigating a difficult journey in learning how you most want to show up in the world. The most recent transits through Aquarius and the remainder of this month are really about learning how you most want to share who you are and which parts of yourself you want to share with the world. While we live in a space that is very embracing of social media and being vulnerable in public spheres, this doesn't have to be the case for every aspect of your life if you don't wish it to be. You get to choose who gets access to you and your energy and in what ways. This month wraps up some lessons related to this journey. As you move through the month, you do get some uplifting energy and a sense of expansive hope related to your resources and your financial situation. Things get a bit more clear and you feel like you have an idea of how to increase access to the resources that you most need. It feels like, in this realm, you're exploring fertile grounds and learning what you most want to seed and what dreams you most wish to tend to.

Pisces and Pisces Rising

There may be some focus on time alone and allowing yourself space to decompress and pull away from others. You may have felt that this month and the recent history may have caused some sleep disturbances, or there may have been moments where it felt like you just couldn't get the rest that you most needed. As you continue to move through some of these challenges, you'll begin to learn more about what aspects of your spiritual practice you can count on to move you through these difficulties. Allow yourself to shape a practice that starts your day off right and helps you wrap up your day in a way that is nourishing and comforting. There is a lesson in learning to lean on your practice even when you feel that you don't have the setting you most wish to have. Remind yourself of the effects of your practice, of your meditations, of your spells. Use these emotions and feelings to propel you to lean into your practice even when you feel a bit drained or exhausted. Don't push yourself to a point of burnout.

But it's okay if you sometimes rely on your spirituality to get you through things even when you don't feel that you have the full capacity to lean into it. Your Practice is meant to also nourish and hold you and challenge you. The beautiful thing about moving through some of these difficulties is that they shape the journey that you want to follow in this life. You get clarity this month on the path that you're moving through and who you're becoming. Allow yourself to experiment and be playful with how you share these new parts of yourself with the world. Allow yourself to flicker and transform in view of others in ways that feel comfortable comforting and exciting.


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